Focus of work

  • Strategy and organizational development
  • Team and leadership development
  • Systemic structural constellation work (SySt®)
  • Moderation of events and workshops
  • Innovation processes with design thinking
  • Hatha Yoga and meditation teacher

Christoffer Brick is a business economist, economist and cultural scientist (M.A.) and a certified consultant for systemic organizational development according to SySt®.

He is also a yoga and meditation teacher and is currently completing a training course to become a systemic coach. Before joining Como, he worked for 13 years as a consultant and manager in international cooperation, where he advised governments, civil society and academia on various topics of sustainable development, most recently as a project manager in Southeast Asia on the topic of circular economy. Christoffer is a passionate consultant and takes great pleasure in supporting leaders, teams and organizations in achieving their goals. His consulting approach is systemic, humanistic, gestalt and solution-focused. Systemic, because he is firmly convinced that people are not “one way or another”, but that they show behavior according to the contexts (systems) in which they move. A systemic consultation is therefore less interested in personal attributions (such as supposed individual characteristics) but rather looks at the structures in which a person moves. The question is always: In which context does the behavior make sense? No text without context! Humanistic, because it sees people as fundamentally relationship-oriented, responsible and striving for personal development and growth. Solution-oriented, because this approach creates a productive tension between the acknowledgment and non-denial of “what is right now” and the conviction that solving a problem requires not an analysis of the problem but a very concrete idea of the desired solution. Or as the Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein put it: “The facts all belong only to the task, not to the solution”.

meditation cushion for my morning meditation
continents on which I have lived so far – and now back in Berlin
meters above sea level. My highest hike so far around the Ausangate mountain in the Peruvian Andes.

Examples of his work

Moderation of strategy workshops for the management team of the Secretariat of the Partnership for Sustainable Textiles, Berlin.
Moderation of a strategy workshop for the Bertelsmann Foundation: “Perspectives and Prospects of Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration” in Potsdam.
Moderation of the thematic round “Sectoral Approaches” at the REWE Group Dialogue Forum “Out of the Niche” on behalf of the REWE Group, Berlin.