Focus of work

  • Organization Development
  • Strategy Development
  • Team Development
  • Leadership Coaching
  • Moderation
  • Trainings

Thomas Holtkamp holds a doctorate in geography and ethnology. He works as a certified systemic organizational development (OD) advisor, trainer, facilitator and coach.

Born in Mannheim, studied in Freiburg and Accra (as student and later OD consultant for GTZ), lived in Ghana and now in Lübeck, works in Germany and worldwide. Thomas Holtkamp is a certified systemic organizational and management consultant and is a trained EFQM assessor. He has been working as a consultant for Como Consult GmbH since 2000 and has been a partner since 2005. He specializes in strategy and management consulting, moderation and training. In Rabat, Tunis, Yerevan, Ramallah, Hanoi, St. Lucia and Gaziantep. In Hamburg, Frankfurt and Munich. And elsewhere. And sometimes for years.

years living in Ghana
years without touching a cigarette
my teacher degree in Wing Tsun

Examples of his work

Organization development / management consultancy and design of change processes e.g. TQM / CAF inspired process improvement in Ministries (Energy and Mines, Environment, Water) in Morocco; Organizational Strengthening of the water company in Saint Lucia; Knowledge Management mechanism in the cooperation system of the project Promotion of SMEs (TAM III) in Morocco
Facilitation of workshops and large-scale events e.g. Owners Forum, New York; Conference on TVET 10 Years Quality Factors; Conference 50 years Moroccan-German Cooperation, Rabat; MENAREC 5 Renewable Energy Conference, Marrakech; GIZ sector networks; ICOALS 3 Albania, Market dialogue in Germen public procurement
Human resource development e.g. Trainer for GIZ “Shaping Change”, Capacity WORKS, AMK, Management Workshops; Lecturer at the Center for Further Training of the Municipality of Hamburg; COMO training in Organizational Development Consultancy and in Strategy; leadership training for the energy provider in Vietnam (EVN)