Focus of work

  • Private sector (economic) development
  • Value chain development
  • Green growth

Thomas Finkel is a strategy and management advisor in international cooperation projects.

He is managing director of Como Consult and senior advisor in private sector development and related fields. He has 25 years professional experience in economic development promotion, with a focus on value chain development, local economic development, business and investment climate and green growth. Mr. Finkel is also an expert in development partnerships with the business community (DPP). He has worked for GIZ as project manager for DPPs in South East Asia for 4 years, initiating, advising and monitoring more than 30 DPPs financed through the former PPP facility, as well as advising GIZ projects in the region to initiate and manage integrated DPPs. During his term as team leader of the private sector development program of GIZ in Vietnam, he shaped the sectoral work of GIZ through a value chain approach that was embedded into a local economic development approach combined with efforts to improve the business environment. Since joining Como Consult in 2007, he regularly carries out consultancy services mainly for GIZ and SECO funded projects worldwide. Mr. Finkel is founder of a non-profit organization that promotes environment and climate protection.

Futbol cinco: highlight of the week, more effective than meditation
Children: less and less tiresome and highly motivating
World: there is only one planet that we need to protect

Examples of his work

Since 2015 Thomas is backstopping and advising a private sector development program in Mozambique. It promotes and strengthens inclusive business models of local lead companies, thereby enhancing their competitiveness as well as that of their suppliers, mostly small holder farmers in rural areas. Farmers increase their livelihood through quality and productivity improvements and stable trading relations. Thomas supports the project through strategy and management advice.
Since 2018, Thomas works for thet eh sustainable trade division of the state secretariat for economic affairs of Switzerland, SECO, evaluating ongoing projects and designing new ones. He steers a team of internal and external advisors that also provide strategy and thematic advicse to SECO on subject related matters on of sustainable trade and the cooperation with the private sector.
Since many years, Thomas moderates workshops of the HRNS Foundation that carries out projects supporting coffee farmers worldwide. He also advises the management team of the foundation on team and strategy issues.